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A psychoeducational evaluation (aka "school evaluation" or neuropsychological evaluation) is a systematic process of collecting data from multiple sources using multiple tools to answer specific questions. The evaluator offers recommendations for intervention and resources if areas of concern are identified. 

Dr. Sadeh conducts a variety of evaluations of children ages 2-18 years old, tailored to parents' concerns or need for information.The process begins with an intake session with parents to develop a plan for evaluation, then Dr. Sadeh collects the data, and presents to results to parents in a final session and provides a report if the parents want documentation of the results. Parents decide whether the evaluation results will be shared with schools or anyone else. 

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"To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom" - Socrates

An evaluation with Dr. Sadeh can identify a child's strengths and challenge across development. Knowledge is power.




How well is my child is developing intellectually, academically, socially, and emotionally?

Clinical conditions (e.g., ADHD, anxiety, depression) and/or disability (e.g., learning disability, Autism) can be diagnosed if student meets criteria.

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What is my child's intelligence? How well is my child prepared for next year's curriculum or the future? Does my child learn better with visual or verbal instruction?

Giftedness, disability, and preferred methods for instruction can be identified.

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How well is my child learning in school compared to other students?

Progress monitoring assessments and standardized achievement testing in math, reading, writing (including spelling).  Testing results can inform parents of academic delays.



Doe my child need help with their feelings and behaviors? Or is this behavior typical for their age?

Dr. Sadeh spends time getting to know your child. Young children often express their feelings and thoughts indirectly through interactions, play, and art. Older children are better able to share through conversation. Some children warm up slowly and need time to build trust before addressing hard topics. Dr. Sadeh is an expert in building relationships with children and analyzing their responses to generate hypotheses about functioning and needs, especially when parents or teachers have concerns about possible:




     Conduct Disorder


     Mood Disorders

     Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

This evaluation helps children understand themselves better and gives adults recommendations for supporting children. 

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